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March 31, 2021

Hart Of It All

“Chase – Hart of It All” is an engaging digital campaign designed to bridge the gap between Chase’s financial services and the “underbanked” community. The campaign addresses the challenge of effectively reaching individuals who are either starting their financial journey or seeking to improve their financial situation, often lacking the knowledge and confidence to take the first steps.

Key Outcomes:

  • The “Hart of It All” campaign successfully engaged a wider audience, particularly Gen Z and millennials, inspiring them to take control of their financial futures.
  • The custom framework I developed proved to be a valuable asset, increasing development efficiency and scalability for future projects.
  • My contributions to UX/UI design and accessibility ensured a positive and inclusive user experience.

Highlighting Value:

  • This project showcases my ability to work within complex CMS environments (Adobe Experience Manager) and create innovative solutions to address client needs (custom framework development).
  • My full-stack capabilities, from Node.js back-end/front-end development to UX/UI enhancement and efficiency optimization, demonstrate my versatility as a developer.
  • The project’s success underscores my ability to contribute to impactful campaigns that achieve both business and social objectives.

Developed the website's front-end using Bootstrap for a responsive framework, working within the Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) environment. Engineered a custom framework based on Zurb's Panini, tailored for Bootstrap, and incorporated multi-lingual support for Static Site Generation (SSG). This framework was widely adopted by Millennium Web for future projects, and I continued to enhance its functionality to meet evolving client needs. Contributed to the UX/UI design for mobile and tablet views, complementing the existing desktop designs. Refined and optimized the original design, ensuring WCAG ADA Section 508 development compliance within the code. Leveraged Node.js to create utilities that streamlined video closed caption documentation and static HTML generation, significantly enhancing development efficiency.

  • Design

    UX/UI Design Refinement, WCAG/ADA/Section 508 Compliance, Sketch

  • Development

    HTML, JS, CSS/SASS, Bootstrap, Babel, Gulp, Webpack, Handlebars, Panini, YAML/JSON, Node.js

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Let's interface and exchange data!

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