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Directive not yet fully operational! But don't just sit there blinking your LEDs. If you need something, give me a buzz!


One10 Marketing

Hart Of It All


October 8, 2022


xLight, a stealth startup developing a revolutionary light source for semiconductor manufacturing, sought to create a captivating visual brand experience to attract potential venture…

  • Strategy

    Stealth Startup, Brand Awareness, Lead Generation

  • Design

    UX/UI, Creative, 3D, Animation

  • Development

    Wordpress, Maya, After Effects

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September 30, 2022

One10 Marketing

The One10 Marketing website is a dynamic and modern digital platform that showcases the company’s brand identity, services, and expertise in the marketing industry.…

  • Design

    UX/UI Design Refinement, WCAG/ADA/Section 508 Compliance, Sketch

  • Development

    HTML, JS, CSS/SASS, Bootstrap, Wordpress

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March 31, 2021

Hart Of It All

“Chase – Hart of It All” is an engaging digital campaign designed to bridge the gap between Chase’s financial services and the “underbanked” community.…

  • Design

    UX/UI Design Refinement, WCAG/ADA/Section 508 Compliance, Sketch

  • Development

    HTML, JS, CSS/SASS, Bootstrap, Babel, Gulp, Webpack, Handlebars, Panini, YAML/JSON, Node.js

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February 3, 2014


DOLCE (Dynamic Online Content Editor) is a versatile and powerful proprietary content management system designed to streamline and optimize the production process for a…

  • Strategy

    Streamlining Complexity, Empowering Efficiency, Enabling Customization, Driving Innovation, Transforming Production

  • Design

    UX/UI, Creative, 3D, Animation

  • Development

    Flash, Flex, HTML, CSS, JS, Java, Blaze DS, MySQL, Linux

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