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February 3, 2014


DOLCE (Dynamic Online Content Editor) is a versatile and powerful proprietary content management system designed to streamline and optimize the production process for a wide range of digital formats, including websites, emails, video games, and more. It goes beyond traditional CMS capabilities by generating content not only for dynamic online platforms but also for static executable files and print materials. DOLCE was initially conceived and implemented to address the challenge of managing a massive volume of display OLA units and the complexities of a multi-step, manual development process involving various agency partners for General Motors’ in-market digital campaigns.


My involvement in this project was extensive, encompassing a wide range of responsibilities:

  • Conception and Vision:

    • Originated the concept for DOLCE, envisioning a solution to improve efficiency and customization across various digital formats, not just limited to online content.
  • Design and Development:

    • Collaborated with a small, dedicated team to architect, design, and develop DOLCE from the ground up.
    • Contributed actively to every phase of the project, from initial design concepts to final implementation.
  • Project & Product Management:

    • Assumed a leadership role, overseeing project timelines, resource allocation, and ensuring successful execution.
    • Defined product requirements, prioritized features, and guided the development team towards achieving project objectives.
  • Strategy and Product Ownership:

    • Shaped the product strategy, aligning DOLCE with the broader needs of content production across various formats.
    • Acted as the product owner, representing the voice of the customer and ensuring the product met their needs.
  • Quality Assurance:

    • Implemented rigorous quality assurance processes to ensure a robust and error-free product.
    • Conducted thorough testing and validation to guarantee a seamless user experience.
  • Sales and Marketing Support:

    • Directed the creation of a “Bright Shiny Object” sales video to effectively showcase DOLCE’s capabilities and value proposition.
    • Assisted in sales meetings, demonstrating the product and addressing potential client questions.

Key Outcomes:

  • DOLCE transformed the content production landscape, streamlining complex processes and significantly reduced development time by up to 80%. This efficiency, coupled with the elimination of 40% of unnecessary steps, translated into significant cost savings, fueling further innovation.
  • Empowered users to make content/copy changes efficiently and enabled batch creation and editing of units, regardless of the output format.
  • Automated workflow for QA and client reviews, enhancing collaboration and productivity.
  • Production savings were reinvested, to expand the platform’s capabilities and deliver even more targeted messaging.
  • The project in part contributed to both of my spokes and wheels awards, recognizing its innovation and impact.

Highlighting Value:

  • This project underscores my ability to conceptualize, lead, and execute complex software development projects from start to finish.
  • My contributions across multiple disciplines, from design and development to project management and strategy, showcase my versatility and adaptability.
  • The success of DOLCE in driving efficiency and enabling customization across various digital formats demonstrates my ability to identify and solve real-world business challenges.
  • The project’s recognition with awards highlights my commitment to delivering innovative and impactful solutions.

Special Recognition:

I extend my sincere gratitude to the following individuals for their valuable contributions to the DOLCE project:

  • Shane Kearney for his expertise in architecture and development.
  • Darrough West for his development support.
  • Don Behm for his creative contributions to the sales video and graphics.
  • Ken Krekeler for his compelling copywriting.
  • Lane Garrett Henderson-Mainor and Jennifer Rock-Mitchick for their project and product management leadership.
  • Carl Weber and Joe Vaughn for account management leadership.
  • Jill Cooley for championing this opportunity with executive leadership.

The success of DOLCE in revolutionizing digital content production is a testament to my comprehensive skill set and ability to envision, lead, and deliver transformative solutions.

  • Strategy

    Streamlining Complexity, Empowering Efficiency, Enabling Customization, Driving Innovation, Transforming Production

  • Design

    UX/UI, Creative, 3D, Animation

  • Development

    Flash, Flex, HTML, CSS, JS, Java, Blaze DS, MySQL, Linux

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